Congratulations to the parents, children and teachers of Gael Scoil Bharra on the success of their campaign, which I have consistently supported, for a purpose built Gael Scoil. This week marked a milestone with the government confirming that GSB is to be included in the five year school building plan. It is scheduled for building to commence in 2014. The next step is for the design of the school to be finalised and planning permission obtained. I will continue to support this project and assist in anyway I can with securing planning permission from Dublin City Council. Mary
Seanad Election 2025
Mary has been nominated to contest the Seanad election on the Industrial Commercial panel by RGDATA. RGDATA is Ireland’s longest established retail representative association. Its members are the owners of over 3,500 independent family-owned grocery shops, convenience stores, forecourt stores and supermarkets throughout Ireland. RGDATA nominated Mary because they believe