Latest News
Rainfall Warning Over
@ 1pm on Weds 26th September 2012 Dublin City Council has advised that over 70 millimetres of rain has fallen since Monday. Throughout that time Dublin City Council drainage staff
DCC Rainfall Warning
10.30am 25th September, 2012Dublin City Council advised that since yesterday, up to 50 millimetres of rain has fallen in the Dublin City Council area. Drainage staff dealt with close on
Excessive Salary
I was really shocked and outraged to learn of the salary being awarded for the Head of Student Services at UCC. In any “normal” circumstances a salary of almost €150,000 would be
Drumcondra & Glasnevin Local Community Policing Forum
The next meeting of the Drumcondra & Glasnevin local community policing forum will take place on wednesday 12th of September at 7pm in The Maples Hotel on Iona Road. Dublin
Cabra Youth
Well done to all the Chillax Youth Cafe Crew for their participation in the Cabra Traders Event
Review of Special Event Licences needed
Dublin City Council must review how Special Event Licences are sanctioned in Dublin following July’s concerts in the Phoenix Park. I welcome the fact that MCD, the OPW, the Gardaí
Joint Policing Committee
I will Chair the next meeting of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee in City Hall on Thursday September 6th at 9.30am. Items on the agenda include Garda reports for Dublin
Ramp Repairs
There is a problem in the City with speed ramps deteriorating. I have raised this issue in past and requested that ramps on Blackhorse Avenue, the Old Cabra Road and other
Cabra East Flooding
At the September 2012 meeting of Dublin City Council I asked the City Manager to provide a report detailing the cause of flooding of homes on Leix, Offally, Imaal, Cuala and