Latest News
Mountjoy Square Conservation
Dublin City Council has formally given notice that it intends to designate Mountjoy Square an Architectural Conservation Area. This is a positive development for the City and the square. To
Phizzfest 2012
Organisers of Phizzfest have issued an “Open call” for performers, bands, writers, musicians, storytellers, players, comedians, artists and anyone who interested in continuing to make the festival a spectacular occasion.Open
Dublin Tall Ships
Over one million visitors are expected to come and see the Tall Ships when they sail into Dublin this August. The organisers are currently recruiting volunteers and there is funding
Fianna Fail in Dublin city
As leader of the Fianna Fáil group on Dublin City Council, I am inviting you to participate in the first ever Youtube enabled Fianna Fáil members debate at the Ard Fheis
Greyhound & Data Protection Commission
The Data Protection Commission has issued a report on the Transfer of Personal Data from Dublin City Council to Greyhound. While the Data Protection Commission finds that DCC did not
North Inner City Community Policing Forum
The next meeting of the North Inner City Policing Forum will be held on Wednesday 7th of March at 7pm in Store Street Garda Station. This meeting is open to
Navan Road Community Policing Forum
The next meeting for the Navan Road/Pelletstown Policing Forum is scheduled for 28th February 2012 at 7.00pm in the River Centre, Rathborne, Ashtown, Dublin 15. The forum is an opportunity
Dublin City Waste
Here is the text of my statement requesting direct Ministerial action to resolve Dublin City waste collection fiasco: Fianna Fáil Group Leader on Dublin City Council, Councillor Mary Fitzpatrick has
Water Meters in Dublin
On Monday night, at the February meeting of Dublin City Council, my motion “The elected members of Dublin City Council call on the Government to confirm that there will be