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Election Employment Opportunity
March 11th has been set as the date for the General Election and of course I hope to be a candidate. The organising of the election is the responsibility of
Precious Blood Church Repairs
At the January meeting of the Central Area Committee I asked the Area Manager to arrange to have the open green space at the Precious Blood Church, facing onto Fassaugh
No Smoking Mater Hospital
From July 2010 the Mater Hospital became a Smoke Free hospital. Following concerns raised by local residents I asked the Dublin City Council Area Manager to advise what measures are
Grangegorman Waste Depot
In December 2010, on behalf of the Rathdown and District residents Association, I asked the City Manager to provide a report on the following issues regarding the operations of the
Grangegorman Road Markings
At the December 2010 meeting of the Central Area I asked the City Manager to arrange to have the road markings on the road at Grangegorman renewed (single white line
Gealscoil Bharra
Since I was first elected in 2004 I have worked with and for the pupils, teachers and parents of Gaelscoil Bharra to get them a purpose built school. The school
Lindsay Road Pay & Display
Dublin City Council traffic department have confirmed to me that they will issue ballots for the introduction of Pay & Display to residents on Lindsay Road by the end of
Mountjoy Community Policing
The next meeting of the Mountjoy Community Policing Forum will take place on Tuesday 1st February 2011 @ 7.30pm in An Óige Hostel, 1. If you are concerned about any
Navan Road / Pelletstown Policing
In October 2010 as Chairperson of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee I chaired the first meeting of the Navan Road and Pelletstown Policing forum. The next meeting of the