North Inner City Taskforce

Last year, the Taoiseach promised to personally take charge of addressing challenges in Dublin’s North Inner City.  This week  shootings and drug dealing in the North Inner City show no signs of abating.

On behalf of Fianna Fáil, Mary made a detailed submission to the Taoiseach’s taskforce on the North Inner City.   Mary and others who made submissions have been left disappointed by the Taoiseach’s response.

Yesterday Mary highlighted the Governments inaction and inadequate response to challenges in Dublin’s North Inner City with Fianna Fáil Leader Micheál Martin when she organised for him to meet with leaders of the Dublin North Inner City Community Coalition to discuss the recently published Mulvey Report and hear their concerns.

Speaking after the meeting Michéal Martin TD said “Today’s meeting was very informative and constructive. We all agree that the regeneration of the inner city of our capital is of fundamental importance, not just for the locality, but for the country as a whole.

“However, the general consensus is that the report fails to comprehensively address the substantive issues that need to be address to ensure that the North Inner City develops to meet the needs of its residents.

“It was made very clear to me at the meeting this morning that in many ways the situation is worse now than it was in the 1980’s. This is not acceptable and it must be acted upon immediately.

“In addition, the proposed structures for implementation are wholly inadequate and that the concerns and views of local residents and groups will not be captured due to weak community engagement processes.

“Long term commitment and properly funded plans are required to deal with the many socio-economic challenges that have become deeply entrenched in the area.

“High unemployment rates, low levels of 3rd level education attainment, combined with high crime rates, and in particular drug related crime, have led to a situation where the local community is under significant pressure and stress.
“Unfortunately, as Fianna Fáil has previously pointed out, there was nothing tangible proposed in the interim report on housing, community facilities, integration of new communities, youth services or supports for the elderly; all of the issues that need to be addressed if the local communities are to progress in the future.

“I have made it clear that, for my part and that of my party, we are committed to ensuring the structures are in place with clear lines of responsibility and accountability,” concluded Martin.

Mary says “It is long past time for the Taoiseach and the Government to make good on their promises to the people of the North Inner City.

“The continued failure of the Taoiseach’s taskforce to adopt a long term sustainable approach to tackling the challenges in Dublin’s North Inner City is a recipe for more deaths, and more wasted young lives.”

Mary welcomes Michéal Martin’s support on this issue and commitment to raise it with the Taoiseach.

Mary calls on the Taoiseach to immediately establish a North Inner City Authority to address the challenges and champion the North Inner Citiy’s social and economic regeneration. “Anything less than a serious long term sustainable approach will result in further ghettoization of an important part of our capital city”, says Mary.



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