I continue to follow-up with DCC for a solution to the manual crossing at Reillys Bridge on the Ratoath Road. Earlier this year An Bord Pleanala granted permission for a fly-over bridge and the latest update I received from Dublin City Council indicates that “Irish Rail’s consultants are finalising the contract documents for the realignment of the Ratoath Road at Reilly’s Bridge (including a bridge over the railway and canal). Construction should start early next year if the required National Transport Authority funding is in place.” I have asked the Natiional Transport Authority to confirm whether or not funding will be made available and as soon as I have a reply I will post it here.
On a related matter in December 2011 I again asked for an update on the proposal for a rail station in Pelletstown and DCC have advised me “It was hoped that the planning application for the proposed Railway Station at Pelletstown would be submitted by Irish Rail to Dublin City Council this month but it will now be in the New Year. When lodged the application will be brought to Area Committee for their attention and if required an information meeting with the Planning Information Unit will be arranged.” I will continue to follow-up on this issue.