Fianna Fáil, Green Party, Labour, Social Democrat, Sinn Féin and Independent City Councillors have supported Mary’s motion calling for immediate introduction of a residential rent freeze.
Fine Gael Dublin City Councillors opposed the motion.
Dublin is currently the most expensive city in Europe to rent a home. Mary’s motion, calls for the urgent introduction of a rent freeze for private renters in Dublin City by whichever parties form the next Government.

The full motion states:
“The elected members of Dublin City Council call on the incoming Government to urgently introduce a minimum two-year residential rent freeze in Dublin City.”
Following the vote, Mary said:
“The almost unanimous cross party support for the motion sends a strong message to all parties involved in Government formation talks that Dublin City renters and tenants need a break. Fine Gael need to drop their objection to this and all other measures urgently needed to address the housing crisis in our city.
A residential rent freeze is not the panacea to the housing crisis but it will give more security to renters. It is incumbent on all parties to a new government to urgently introduce a residential rent freeze in Dublin City along with a radical new housing plan for our city”.
In December 2019 Sinn Féin’s Rent Freeze Bill passed 2nd stage in the Dáil but was not enacted into law by government.
Talks to form a new government are on-going and will not result in any one party ruling alone. In the meantime renters in Dublin City are struggling with ever increasing rents and reduced earnings due to the corona virus.