At the January meeting of Dublin City Council I requested an update on the plan, I have for many years championed, to upgrade the Royal Canal tow path from the IFSC to Ashtown. The Manager advised me that the project is currently divided into three sections;
1. Sheriff Street to North Strand at Newcomen Bridge
2. Newcomen to Cross Guns Bridge
3. Cross Guns Bridge to Ashtown
The good news is that the preliminary design is being finalised on sections 1. and 2. Once the preliminary design is complete and public consultation has been done, they will be progressed to Final Design and Contract Documents. On Section 3., preliminary design work has been progressed by the QBN Project Office. This work is now being taken by the Traffic Department with the purpose of progressing to Final Design and Contract Documents. The NTA has agreed that this overall project should proceed subject to finance.
I will continue to work to make this project a reality and to open up this unique green route all the way from the docks to Ashtown. In the meantime I encourage anyone living or visiting our area to take advantage of the canal as an alternative route. It is a real oasis just off our busy streets free for us all to enjoy. I thank the many responsible dog owners who clean-up after their canine companions on the canal banks and ask all other dog owners to do the same. Mary