Since Dublin City Council withdrew from the collection of waste there appears to have been a big increase in illegal dumping. Please report any illegal dumping in the Central Area to 1800 248 348 or email me with the details.
I opposed DCCs withdrawal from the waste collection service and it is a pity the Labour & Fine Geal Groups didn’t use their power both in Government and on City Council to block the deal. Dublin City Council is proposing new laws and fines for rubbish in the City. These new bye-laws are a bit like bolting the stable door after the horse has gone.
We have a real problem with dumping in the city but these laws do nothing to address poor service from private operators. I am seeking amendments to the proposed bye-laws, you can see and hear what myself and the rest of the councillors had to say when we discussed the matter at City Council
I would encourage everybody to take a few minutes to review the proposed bye-laws and make a submission before the deadline of July 24th 2012. Thanks, Mary