Stoneybatter Defibrillator

Congratulations to Alan Ecock of Kavanaghs Pub who successfully campaigned to install a defibrillator in a traditional Irish phone box in Stoneybatter. 

On Saturday 10th of August 2019 Mary, deputising for the Lord Mayor of Dublin City, joined Alan Ecock, Stoneybatter residents, Heart of Ireland, Dublin City Council, Dublin Fire Service, An Gardaí, elected representatives and officially opened the lifesaving defibrillator in a traditional phone box. 

The installation and commissioning of the defibrillator in Stoneybatter, is the first of its kind in Dublin City.  The importance of having the defibrillator in such a central location in the heart of Stoneybatter cannot be overstated.  Every day 13 people die from cardiac arrest in Ireland.  Defibrillators dramatically increase the survival rates of patients suffering a heart attack.  You don’t have to be medically trained to use a defibrillator, the instructions are on the box, you can’t make the patient worse by applying it but most importantly speed is of the essence if someone is suffering cardiac arrest.   

Click HERE to see RTE’s reporting of the event.