BusConnects Update

An Bord Pleanala have notified Mary that they will determine the application for the Ballymun/Finglas to City Centre Bus Corridor Scheme before the 27th of

BusConnects Update

An Bord Pleanala have notified Mary that they will determine the application for the Ballymun/Finglas to City Centre Bus Corridor Scheme before the 27th of

Bus Connects & MetroLink Public Meeting

Mary and Deputy Paul McAuliffe and their Dublin City Council colleagues will host a public information meeting on MetroLink & Bus Connects Ballymun-Finglas route November

MetroLink & Bus Connects

Mary welcomes improvements in our public transport system, making it more frequent & sustainable, however she has written to the NTA and the Minister for

Bus Connects Ballymun/Finglas Route

The NTA have submitted a planning application to An Bord Pleanala for the Ballymun/Finglas Route of Bus Connects. Following the last round of Public Consultation

Bus Connects Update

Mary has been notified by the NTA of an extension to the time for observations in relation to the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus

Bus Connects Submission

Closing date for observations/submissions to An Bord Pleanala regarding the application by the NTA for the construction of the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus Corridor

Bus Connects Submissions- 3rd Round

On Wednesday December 16th Mary commended all stakeholders who have made submissions up to now on the proposed Bus Connects project. She also urged her