Smithfield Enhancement Scheme

It is great to see the work progressing in Smithfield and Dublin City Council has confirmed to me that phase 2 of the Smithfield Quarter Enhancement Scheme is due to commence on the Monday 24th January 2011.  Phase 1 of the Smithfield Quarter Enhancement Works is now almost complete. Phase 2 work includes reconstruction of…

No Smoking Mater Hospital

From July 2010 the Mater Hospital became a Smoke Free hospital.  Following concerns raised by local residents I asked the Dublin City Council Area Manager to advise what measures are in place between the Mater Hospital and Dublin City Council to ensure that the hospitals “no smoking” policy does not negatively impact on the surrounding…

East Wall Cycle Route

I gave a lot of time throughout 2010 to work with the local community and the city council officials on this project and it is disappointing that significant investment has been lost to Dublin Central. To try and salvage something from the project in December I called for Dublin City Council Roads and Traffic Department…

Garda Safety Cameras

An Garda Siochana have issued public guidance on where the new safety cameras are to be deployed across Ireland. The picture below shows those located in the Dublin Central area and environs (roads marked in red). Roads include Navan Road, Cabra Road, North Circular Road, Finglas Road, Phibsborough Road, North Strand and Ballybough Road. Click…

Organised Crime in Dublin

08.11.2010: Fitzpatrick welcomes robust Garda approach to organised crime in Dublin Central Cllr Mary Fitzpatrick, Chairperson of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee. “I congratulate the Gardai on the operation undertaken today in the North Inner City. Tackling organised crime and drug crime was a major priority for me, as chairperson of the Dublin Central…

Blackhorse Avenue Roadworks

14.09.2010: Mary has asked Dublin City Manager to advise when road improvements will commence on Blackhorse Avenue and provide a description of the work to be completed? Response: The Blackhorse Avenue Scheme is due to start in early October. The proposed road improvement works run from a point just north of the junction with Baggot…