Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Wheelchair users can often struggle to access public transport.  Transport for Ireland have set-up a register with contact details for all licensed wheelchair accessible vehicles

Irish Deaf Society

The Irish Deaf Society has carried out interviews with Dublin Central Candidates from various parties in advance of General Election 2020 on Saturday 8th February.

See, Hear, Act #disabilityGE2020

For 15 years serving as a public representative Mary has actively supported the disabled and sought to include them in all aspects of community development


Mary is delighted to support the NCBI Iona Resource Centre Access4All Audio Programme which aims to ensure that everyone, regardless of disability has the right

Incapacitated Child Tax Credit

DOES YOUR FAMILY QUALIFY FOR THE INCAPACITATED CHILD TAX CREDIT ? Do you have a child or children with a disability? The tax credit can

Pre-Budget 2017

Almost 100 people attended a pre-budget 2017 community consultation meeting held by Mary Fitzpatrick on September 13th 2016. Mary chaired the meeting and Michael McGrath

Disability Grants Cuts

This week Minister Jan O’Sullivan was on the air-waves brazenly defending the Governments latest attack on the sick and elderly by saying she is increasing

Housing Adaptation Grants

During the summer Dublin City Council closed its scheme that gives grants to elderly and/or sick people who need to adapt their homes to allow

Email Joan

I welcome confirmation that the Government has committed to review its decision to slash disability allowance however I really think it is a reversal of