Phibsborough Plan Rejected

PhibsboroughShoppingThe rejection of the Phibsborough Local Area Plan (LAP) at the meeting of Dublin City Council earlier this week is a major set-back for our area.  It is a body blow to the local community, to the many residents and voluntary groups who worked so hard for many years and it also a huge waste of public funds.  It was with dismay and significant disappointment that I watched the Phibsborough LAP be rejected by Councillors at City Hall this week. Like many others I was deeply involved and supportive of the first LAP and succeeded at getting a replacement LAP in place before I finished my term last year as a City Councillor.   Watching the webcast it is clear that the last minute introduction of an unannounced and un-circulated amendment introduced a level of confusion and uncertainty which directly led to the plan being rejected. Considering the potential of the area, the challenges of the area and the time, effort and public money spent over many years on the plan it is now truly unacceptable that when the economy is beginning to pick-up DCC would abandon the LAP.   I have asked that the City manager take immediate action to ensure all the work, material and content of the LAP is not wasted and a statutory LAP is put in place as soon as possible for Phibsborough.  I have also requested he meet with residents to discuss the LAP and the development of Dalymount.  In the meantime I encourage residents to themselves make a request to Dublin City Council’s draft City Development Plan asking for the inclusion of the Phibsborough LAP in the next City wide plan by clicking here.  The deadline for making a submission is 4.30pm Friday 11th December 2015.


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