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Greyhound Cruelty

Mary has called on the Government to end the massive state grants that are keeping the cruel dog-killing greyhound industry alive.

The Government spends €16.8 million of Irish taxpayers money to the Irish greyhound industry annually where 5,600 dogs are killed every year for not being fast enough. This must stop.

The RTE Investigates programme revealed a shocking & shameful level of cruelty to animals in this country. It is unacceptable that our government is sponsoring such cruelty.

For 2019, the Irish Greyhound Board – which presides over an industry which kills 6,000 dogs every year because they’re too slow – has received a massive €16.8 million government grant. That’s the equivalent of €323,076 for every week of the year or €1.4 million for every month.

To-date, the Irish Greyhound Board has received around a quarter of a billion euros of taxpayers’ money. This must now end. 


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