Following on from the 6 week non-statutory public consultation the report was launched this week with the following recommendations: All gates will remain open and

Hydrogen Fuel Buses

Mary was invited to take a short trip on the first Hydrogen fueled bus launched by the NTA. The three hydrogen fuel cell buses enter

DART South West

Mary made her submission to Dart+South West calling for a stop in Cabra and for the Cross Guns stop to designed to be a safe

Taxi Supports

Mary welcomed the announcement from Government of the range of measures which can be accessed by self-employed taxi drivers, however she had renewed her request

Supports for Taxi Drivers

In Seanad Eireann Mary asked that the Minister for Transport to provide financial support for taxi drivers. There are 23,000 taxis in Ireland. Taxis are

MetroLink Update

In Seanad Eireann I renewed my call for an independent expert to be appointed to support residents and property owners along the MetroLink route, for

Phoenix Park Road Closure

Mary has been informed by the OPW that the North Road will be resurfaced. This will entail the North road being closed from April 12th

Walking & Cycling Fund

Government has allocated €240m to support sustainable transport projects across the four Dublin councils and the three other counties in the Greater Dublin Area .

Phoenix Park

Mary raised the upcoming deadline for public consultation on the Phoenix Park Transport and Mobility Options in the Seanad this week. The closing date for

Bus Connects Submissions- 3rd Round

On Wednesday December 16th Mary commended all stakeholders who have made submissions up to now on the proposed Bus Connects project. She also urged her