Taxi Supports

Mary welcomed the announcement from Government of the range of measures which can be accessed by self-employed taxi drivers, however she had renewed her request to the Minister of Transport to extend vehicle life until at least 2025, and also to extend the grant for electric vehicles to hybrid vehicles also.

Supports for Taxi Drivers

In Seanad Eireann Mary asked that the Minister for Transport to provide financial support for taxi drivers. There are 23,000 taxis in Ireland. Taxis are very important public transportation mode in cities and rural towns. They provide a safe and economical alternative for many urban dwellers to owning a private car and are an essential…

MetroLink Update

In Seanad Eireann I renewed my call for an independent expert to be appointed to support residents and property owners along the MetroLink route, for the possibility of a station instead of a shaft to be considered for Albert College Park and for the feasibility study for a south west route be completed prior to…

Phoenix Park Road Closure

Mary has been informed by the OPW that the North Road will be resurfaced. This will entail the North road being closed from April 12th to June 18th 2021. All pedestrian and vehicle access gates along this route will be closed for the duration. For more information please click here.

Walking & Cycling Fund

Government has allocated €240m to support sustainable transport projects across the four Dublin councils and the three other counties in the Greater Dublin Area . As a walker and bike rider Mary welcomes the allocation of €18m to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in Dublin Central. The funds will enable the following Dublin Central projects…

Phoenix Park

Mary raised the upcoming deadline for public consultation on the Phoenix Park Transport and Mobility Options in the Seanad this week. The closing date for public observations is Friday March 12th. In response to the increased recreational use of the Phoenix Park due to COVID-19 a Steering Group was established comprising four organisations ; Office…

Bus Connects Submissions- 3rd Round

On Wednesday December 16th Mary commended all stakeholders who have made submissions up to now on the proposed Bus Connects project. She also urged her colleagues in the Seanad to make submissions and to include in those submissions: Park and Ride for county commuters Request for Free public transport for young people under 23 years…

DART+ Maynooth Line

Mary welcomes and supports the proposal to upgrade the existing Maynooth mainline railway service to an electrified DART+. This proposal is welcomed by the communities in and around the line who hope it will provide a cleaner, greener and more efficient public transport service from Dublin City Centre to Maynooth. Mary has asked Irish Rail…

Grangegorman Update

The Grangegorman Filtered Permeability trial has been in place since July.  Dublin City Council is extending the trial until January to allow for a public consultation to take place.  The deadline for submissions is 1 December 2020. For more information on this programme please visit: It is important to have your say before 1 December….

Dublin Bus- Increased Capacity

Mary has called for Dublin Bus to increase capacity on their bus routes to meet the needs of essential workers who are still travelling to work.  Level 5 restrictions came into effect last week, limiting capacity on public transport to 25% of its normal load.   The level five restrictions introduced are different than earlier this year,…