Latest News
Free Contraception
Mary is really delighted that the free contraception scheme for women aged 17-25 is now open for business. This will have a massive positive impact on the health and wellbeing
Bus Connects Update
Mary has been notified by the NTA of an extension to the time for observations in relation to the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme. This is due
Daneswell/Old Smurfit Site
An application for a Large-scale Residential Development was declared invalid on the 9th of August for the Daneswell/Old Smurfit Site. Dublin City Council said the description contained in the application
Right to Housing Submission
In June 2021 Mary received almost unanimous support in Seanad Eireann for her proposing a constitutional referendum on the right to housing. Following on from the debate Government established a Commission
Bus Connects Submission
Closing date for observations/submissions to An Bord Pleanala regarding the application by the NTA for the construction of the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus Corridor is 5pm August 30th .
Women’s Health Policy
Mary is proud to have worked alongside her female Fianna Fáil colleagues to help develop this policy document on Women’s Health. Fianna Fáil is the first political party to have
Achievements: 2 Years in Government
It has been two years since the coalition Government was formed, and in that time we have seen progress in many areas including women’s health, housing, equality, childcare and climate
Public Transport Safety
Public transport helps to reduce our cost of living, congestion & carbon footprint, however unfortunately not everyone feels safe using public transport. Would you feel safer with Gardaí on public
Intreo Office Dublin 7
Mary is disappointed that the future of the Dublin 7 Intreo Office is looking more uncertain and the Minister for Welfare Protection has given no timeframe for a re-opening of