Since the privatisation of residential bin collections in 2011, and despite the best efforts of residents groups and DCC waste management, illegal dumping persists in far too many parts of Dublin Central.
Mary vigorously opposed the privatisation of residential bin collections and abolition of waiver for low income households at the time.
Since re-election to City Council in 2019, Mary has been working with the Dublin Agreement Group to improve waste management in the city, to have DCC re-introduce a municipal waste collection service, to end side by side collections and improve recycling in the city.
Dublin City Council recently published a Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan for the City and is inviting the public to submit their views and ideas on all aspects of litter management in Dublin City.
The draft plan is available HERE and may be inspected at Dublin City Council Offices and Libraries where copies of the plan will also be available.
Submissions can be made in respect of the plan by email to or at
Mary will be making a detailed submission which will be published on