With funding from the Government Labour Activation Fund the DIT will run a Mature Student Access Course starting on January 10th 2011 for people eligible under the Labour Market Activation Fund. The Mature Student access Course is designed for Mature Students (22 years of age on the 1st of January of the 2010) from areas and communities where there is not a strong tradition of participation in third level education. Having successfully completed the 6 month course (January – June 2011) participants are then eligible to enter undergaraduate courses at DIT. The course is full time (20 hours per week) and participants do not necessarily require a Leaving Certificate. DIT welcomes applications from people who might have already experienced some adult education through FETAC or have completed courses at their local community centre or VEC. An information evening for prospective applicants, Jobs Facilitators, Guidance Counsellors and other front line staff and adult education professionals will be held next Monday the 29th of November in Room 281 in DIT, Bolton Street at 6PM. The closing date for applications is December 3rd 2010. For more information on the course and eligibility please go to: www.communitylinks.ie/matureaccess and for other available courses in January at DIT go to www.dit.ie/upskill
Budget 2025
Fianna Fail’s Budget prioritises helping people, families and businesses with the increased cost of living, and increasing investment in housing, water, energy and key infrastructural projects will protect Ireland’s progress and secure our future. For more information on Budget 2025, click HERE.