North Strand Ballybough

The next meeting of the North Strand Ballybough Community Policing Forum will be on February 11th, not February 4th. The meeting will take place on the 11th in the Larkin Center, 57-58 North Strand Road, North Strand, Dublin 3 @ 6.30pm. This is an opportunity for people living and working the area to meet with the Gardai, Dublin…

Royal Canal

At the January meeting of Dublin City Council I requested an update on the plan, I have for many years championed, to upgrade the Royal Canal tow path from the IFSC to Ashtown.  The Manager advised me that the project is currently divided into three sections;1. Sheriff Street to North Strand at Newcomen Bridge 2. Newcomen…

New Mater

The new Mater General Adult Hospital opened its new main entrance in the Whitty Building on the North Circular Road, Dublin 7 on January 14th 2013.  This replaces the old entrance on Eccles Street.  The new entrance is open from 6.30am to 8pm. All public access via the main entrance on Eccles Street ceased from January…

Loyalist march cancelled

I understand the Loyalist march planned for Dublin City this weekend has been cancelled and I welcome this development.  In recent days residents and business operators in Dublin City were growing increasingly concerned about the prospect of street riots being visited on Dublin’s streets. It is encouraging that the organisers listened to the clear message…

Loyalist march cancelled

I understand the Loyalist march planned for Dublin City this weekend has been cancelled and I welcome this development.  In recent days residents and business operators in Dublin City were growing increasingly concerned about the prospect of street riots being visited on Dublin’s streets. It is encouraging that the organisers listened to the clear message…

Loyalist Dublin March

It is hugely disappointing that the peace in Northern Ireland that so many people on both sides worked so hard to achieve now appears so vulnerable. There is considerable and growing concern in Dublin over the on-going, at times violent, demonstrations in the North and the prospect of that being visited on the streets of…

Illegal Dumping

I have repeatedly raised concerns with Dublin City Council about illegal dumping and inadequate street cleaning in the central area. As leader of the Fianna Fail group on Dublin City Council and the local Fianna Fail representative I strongly opposed Dublin City Council’s withdrawal from the collection of domestic waste in the city for a…

Metro North illegal Levy ?

At this yesterday evenings monthly meeting of Dublin City Council I requested an opinion from the Law Officer on whether Dublin City Council is acting legally by continuing to collect Section 49 Development Levys for the Metro North Project. I was alarmed to learn that the City Manager had not already sought legal advice on…

Cancel Metro North Levy

I have renewed my call to Dublin City Council to suspend the Metro North Development Contribution Scheme that compels property owners along the previously proposed Metro North route to pay €1000’s in additional levies for a project that is not going ahead. The scheme needs to be suspended because it is bad practice for Dublin…

Seanad should be radically reformed, not abolished

In an effort to win electoral support Enda Kenny promised to abolish the Seanad. The proposal grabbed headlines but thats about all. Since winning electoral support and gaining power Enda Kenny’s government has done precious little to progress political reform at any level in Ireland. I believe we need reform of politics in this country…