DART underground

On December 14, 2011 An Bord Pleanala advised me that they have granted permission to Irish Rail to go ahead and construct a DART underground service between Inchicore and East Wall in Dublin. You can read the full permission HERE. The decision by the board to grant permission was not surprising but what is most…

DCC Flooding Update

Since the flooding on the 24th of October I have been following up with Dublin City Council regarding specific flooding events in our area.  At the DCC Engineering Strategic Policy Meeting held on December 15th I addressed the issue and the RTE 1 news covered some of my comments.  You can watch the full meeting…

Dublin City Budget

At the Dublin City Council meeting dealing with the 2012 Estimates I made the following statement as leader of the Fianna Fail Group.  Fianna Fail group believes it would be irresponsible of us to vote for these estimates:   1. We are not opposed to the principle of competition for the bin service however we…

Dublin City Budget

At the Dublin City Council meeting dealing with the 2012 Estimates I made the following statement as leader of the Fianna Fail Group.  Fianna Fail group believes it would be irresponsible of us to vote for these estimates:   1. We are not opposed to the principle of competition for the bin service however we…


The announcement recently from the Government to cut all funding for the Grangegorman Development is hugely disappointing and shocking when you think of their election promise of 100,000 jobs.  It shows an unbelievable lack of imagination and begs the question was anybody in the Government parties promoting the project or even vaguely defending it ? …

Phibsborough Road Works

Dublin City Council has begun a programme of carriageway renewal works across the city which if you have driven or cycled on any of the work that has been completed I am sure you will agree it is a great job and makes a huge difference. We are getting some of the benefit of this…

Dublin City Flooding

At a meeting of Dublin City Council last night I was critical of Dublin City Councils response to the flooding of October 24th and as leader of the Fianna Fail Group I proposed the following emergency motion which received unanimous support: Emergency Motion from Fianna Fail Group Dublin City Council should express our condolences to…

Domestic Waste Recycling

Dublin City Council has announced that bagged household domestic waste will be accepted at Ringsend Recycling Centre and Northstrand Recycling Centre as and from Monday 26th September. There will be a charge of €4 for each 80 litre bag of domestic waste disposed. For more details about both recycling centres please click HERE. Mary.

Mountjoy Sq Coach Parking

I was happy to work with and support the residents of Mountjoy Square in their campaign to save one of the few residential Georgian squares in the city from becoming a bus and coach park and to have the square restored to regular use.  Dublin City Council have confirmed to me that the coach parking…

National Paediatric Hospital

The decision of the Government to endorse the independent review of the Mater site as the best location for the new National Paediatric Hospital, and the Cabinet’s approval for the project to now proceed to the planning stage is very good news for parents and children all around the country. This is a vital project…