Botanic SHD

In June 2019 following strong observations from Mary and others An Bord Pleanala refused planning permission for 299 apartments on the Smurfit site on Botanic
BusConnects, update

Mary welcomes the clarification and release of information by the National Transport Authority (NTA) of revised proposals for public realm “enhancements” in Stoneybatter and Phibsborough
Parnell Square Cultural Quarter blocked

Government’s lack of commitment and ambition for Dublin’s North Inner City caused Parnell Square re-development plan and regeneration of Dublin’s North Inner City generally to
Ashington Train Station

At the first meeting of the Central Area Committee Mary asked for an update on the proposed new train station for Ashington, Navan Road. In
Men’s and Women’s sheds

The Department of Rural and Community Development operates a community enhancement capital grant scheme through the Dublin City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Dublin