Beresford Street Update

Residents around Beresford Street raised concerns over street cleaning, public safety, traffic and street management with Mary. Mary has followed up on these concerns: Ormond

Anti Social Survey

Anti-social behaviour threatens and undermines the fabric of our communities. As Chair of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Part Dublin subcommittee, Mary, along with her Fianna Fáil

Anti Social Survey

Anti-social behaviour threatens and undermines the fabric of our communities. As Chair of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Part Dublin subcommittee, Mary, along with her Fianna Fáil

Scramblers and Safety

The misuse of scramblers and quads in Dublin Central has cost far too many lives and destroyed countless others and robbed public spaces from our

Spring Newsletter

Please find below Mary’s latest newsletter. In this newsletter, Mary has provided information on a diverse range of topics including updates on the regeneration of

O’Connell Street Garda Station

We all want to feel safe where we live and work. The opening of a new Garda Station on O’Connell Street will ensure that our

Public Transport Safety Survey

Mary and her Fianna Fáil colleagues carried out a public transport safety survey throughout the Summer months to gauge the need for increased security on

Stalking Bill

The Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person (Amendment) (Stalking) Bill 2021 has passed all stages in the Seanad. Mary is proud to be a co-sponsor of