Ballymun Bus Corridor

Dublin needs a more reliable, efficient and affordable bus service for our city to be more liveable. Mary has been working with residents, community organisations and businesses to achieve a more efficient, reliable and affordable bus service to serve our community. Mary made a detailed submission to the National Transport Authority in relation to the…

BusConnects, Mobhi Road

Mary is working with and on behalf of homeowners, clubs, schools and businesses on Mobhí Road to engage with the NTA on their proposals for MetroLink and Bus Connects. Mary brought Fianna Fáil spokesperson for Transport to meet with and hear local residents concerns. The deadline for submissions from the General Public to the MetroLink…

Na Fianna

As a member Mary is acutely aware of the strength of Na Fianna Clg and is supporting the club to address their acute need for playing pitches. Mary brought Fianna Fáil leader Michéal Martin TD to visit the club to see the great set-up and hear concerns about how MetroLink would impact the schools and…


Soccer is a great team sport and Mary has always been available to support local soccer clubs Bohemians, Navan Road Utd, Beggesboro, Homefarm and Drumcondra FC. Mary was delighted to join the Lord Mayor and Secretary of Homefarm FC for the launch of the U17 EUFA Championship in their homegrounds. Mary is also working with…

Botanic SHD

Mary thanks everyone who attended the meeting to discuss the Botanic SHD at which concerns were raised over the lack of any affordable homes, the excessive height, poor size mix of units, overshadowing, density and traffic impact.  You can read Mary’s submission to An Bord Pleanala HERE.  An Bord Planala is expected to make a…

Botanic SHD

The housing crisis is most acute in Dublin Central where there have been zero new social, affordable or private homes built by the state since 2011. Low and middle income workers can no longer afford to rent or buy in Dublin Central. Young families are forced to move to and commute from the midlands due…

Re-zoning Dublin Industrial Estate

Dublin City Council is proposing to rezone industrial lands in the city to allow residential developments.  In Dublin Central the proposal includes rezoning the Dublin Industrial Estate off the Ballyboggan Road to allow residential development.  You can read the full report HERE. Dublin City Council advised Mary that DCC hopes their proposal to rezone industrial…

Towards 2022

The Dublin North West Area Partnership is a state funded organisation dedicated to developing community, education and employment opportunities for people living in the Navan road, Cabra, Phibsborough, Drumcondra, Glasnevin, Finglas and Ballymun areas. As a volunteer director Mary was delighted to attend the launch of DNWAP’s Strategic Plan, Towards 2022, with other directors and…

Dublin Bus Connects

Last year the National Transport Authority, NTA, commenced public consultation on redesigning Dublin’s Public Bus Network.  Their stated objective is to reduce journey times and increase reliability and capacity of the bus service. Mary believes an affordable, efficient and reliable public transport service is essential for our city and increasing the capacity and efficiency of…

Dublin Bus Redesign

A reliable, efficient and affordable public bus service is strategically important for Dublin City and it must be protected.  Mary thanks everyone who signed her petition calling for the retention of and investment in local bus services in Dublin Central. Mary included the petition with her submission calling for the retention of local, accessible and…