Latest News
Royal Canal Day
Everyone is invited to the ROYAL CANAL DAY, a dynamic event planned by the Dublin City North Volunteer Centre. The Royal Canal Day will take place on October the 12th
“First Fix Free”
In June 2013 Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan promised homeowners that the Government will pay to fix any leaks found on the homeowner’s side when domestic water meters are
Irish Water
Following announcement of Minister Phil Hogan’s plan to transition water service from Dublin City Council to Irish Water and in advance of the official transition date of January 2014, Irish
Please Vote No
The main reason to vote No tomorrow is to send a strong message to Government that we are not fools and we do not like being lied to. They lied to
Housing Adaptation Grants
During the summer Dublin City Council closed its scheme that gives grants to elderly and/or sick people who need to adapt their homes to allow them continue to live independantly.
Cabra Road Bus Shelter
At the December 2012 meeting of the Central Area Committee I submitted a motion to ask Dublin Bus to provide sides to the in-bound bus shelter on the Cabra Road
GPO museum
The GPO, Dublin At the September meeting of the Central Area Committee I proposed a motion expressing members appreciation to An Post for the information they shared with us regarding their plans
Moore Street National Monument
At the July meeting of the Central Area Committee I proposed a motion, which if implemented by the Government would instruct NAMA to make available sufficient funding to ensure the
Joint Policing Committee
On September 23rd 2013 I chaired the quarterly meeting of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee in City Hall. At the meeting Gardai and Dublin City Council gave detailed reports